Switching blogplatforms!
Okay so now it's official, I'm switching from swedish to english and from blogg.se to blogger.com.
So from now on you'll be able to find me at wayusplace.blogspot.com (Or just click on the name, it's a link)
I will slowly translate and move all the old posts, but it will take some time. Also, the site is still under construction. Just give it some time and I will fix it all :)
So, see you all there :)
Song of the day
Popular Girl's generation is just out with their new single for the japanese album!
It's a great song, so I'm gonna let it speak for itself <3
Yesterday - part 2
After the shoe shopping we went home to get some food in us and some of us met up for a little movie night at hanna's place.

We saw "The girl with the dragon tattoo", it was good. But not as good as the swedish version of the movie actually, and usually I'm all for the english versions since swedish movies are usually pretty bad in my opinion, but not this time!
Mixing business with pleasure
I'm at the moment lying in the bathtub with a seaweed, seasalt, alovera and natural clay mask on my face, looking all silly of course! And to make it even more relaxing i made a relaxation list on spotify with zen, yoga, tai chi, japanese spa and relaxing piano music.
It's all home spa style!
But then i also need to work on my essay for school, so while relaxed and in the bathtub i'm reading the material i need for the essay, and when i get out my plan is to write it in a jiffy!
Good luck me!
Yesterday - part 1
Yesterday, I was out with some friends from school trying to find some pretty AND warm shoes for winter, of course, that was evidently impossible ;)

We even found good looking shoes who looked warm on the outside,

But of course, in the end were not

I don't really get why there's absolutely no good looking and warm shoes for winter. Why do you have to choose between have warm and czy feet and having nice shoes?
You would think someone would have noticed the lack of them and started creating them. I kinda wish I could create shoes... haha ;)